This Credit Guide is given by Tzetolli Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence 391615 trading as UFS Direct 9/39 Duerdin St, Notting Hill VIC 3168 (the “Licensee” or “UFS Direct”) and is designed to assist you to decide whether to engage us to provide credit assistance in relation to credit contracts.
As a licensed credit assistance provider, we are required to give you a Credit Guide as soon as practicable after it becomes apparent to us that we may provide assistance to you in relation to a credit contract.
The guide includes information about us, our responsible lending obligations, the names of the credit providers with whom we conduct most of our business with, our fees, charges, and any commissions we may receive, and our dispute resolution process.


Under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act (NCCP), we cannot provide credit assistance to you by:
We must make a preliminary assessment whether the contract will be unsuitable for you before we can provide credit assistance to you.

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To help us to make this assessment we will:

UFS can tailor car loans to meet your business needs. We offer competitive rates, flexible loan terms and fast approval to take all the pain out of buying a new car. Give us a call or apply online now to see how we can help.
We do not need to give you a copy of the preliminary assessment if we did not provide credit assistance to you or your request is made more than 7 years after we provided credit assistance to you.


Consumers will be liable to pay the following fees and charges to us for our credit assistance or matters associated with providing credit assistance:


We conduct business with more than six (6) credit providers when providing credit assistance in relation to credit contracts. The names of the six (6) credit providers with whom we conduct most of our business are noted below:
Lender Name Lender’s ABN Australian Credit Licence
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) 11 005 357 522 234527
Automotive Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFS) 73 003 622 375 383762
GE Automotive Financial Services (GE Money) 80 004 187 419 392178
Macquarie Leasing Pty Ltd (ML) 38 002 674 982 394925
Secure Funding Pty Ltd (Secure) 25 081 982 872 388133
Yamaha Motor Finance Australia Pty Limited (Yamaha) 29 101 928 670 394553


When you enter into a credit contract, we are likely to receive a commission, directly or indirectly, from the credit provider in relation to the credit contract for which we have provided credit assistance. We have also entered into a volume bonus arrangement with each of the credit providers with whom we conduct business, either directly or indirectly, and may receive additional commissions depending on the total volume of business that we arrange with each of the credit providers. The volume bonus arrangements are payable by the credit provider to United Financial Services Network Pty. Limited ABN 47 095 911 283 Australian Credit Licence 386932 (the “Aggregator” or “UFS”) who may pay part or all of the volume bonus arrangement to us.
You may obtain additional information from us about the fees and charges payable by you, the commission likely to be received by us or the volume bonus arrangements in place, on request. This includes obtaining information about how fees and charges payable by you are worked out and a reasonable estimate of the commissions likely to be received by us and how the commission is worked out.


Years Experience


A commission is likely to be paid to a third party for the introduction of credit business or business proposed to be financed by the credit contract or consumer lease if credit assistance is provided through one of the following classes of persons:
You may obtain from us a reasonable estimate of the amount of commission and how it is worked out on request.

a Referrer (usually being the supplier of the goods).


We welcome every opportunity to resolve any concerns you may have with our products or service. If you have a complaint, are not happy with our service or just want more information, you should tell us. By telling us, you give us the best possible opportunity of fixing things. In the first instance, contact our Customer Service Team by calling (03) 9701 7066. If you are not satisfied with their response you can request that their manager address your concern.


If your concern is still not resolved to your satisfaction please write to our Internal Dispute Resolution Committee at UFS Direct – 9/39 Duerdin St, Notting Hill VIC 3168.
Your concern will be reviewed by our IDR Committee, which has authority to deal with the matter.
We will inform you of the outcome within 45 days or receiving your dispute or complaint.


If your concern still remains unresolved to your satisfaction you can direct your issue for further review to the to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (ACFA).
External dispute resolution is a free service established to provide you with an independent mechanism to resolve your specific complaints. However, you must attempt to resolve your complaint with us before contacting our external dispute resolution scheme.