Buying a car is not always easy but take a tour through these quick tips to help your next purchase run smoothly.
Think ahead
Arrange finance before you start looking at cars. Knowing that you’ve been approved and that the money is on standby will give you the confidence to negotiate a better deal from the vendor.
Assess your driving needs and then research the type of cars available that best suit you and your budget. A 4×4 may look great but it will be expensive to run and is it really what you need?
When you’re doing your budget, don’t forget those often-overlooked expenses of running a car: registration, comprehensive and third party insurance, general servicing and tyres.
Check the vehicle
The cheapest way to buy a used car is ‘privately’, but there is no statutory warranty so it pays to have a vehicle mechanically inspected. UFS can organise a used car warranty on your behalf.
If you’re going to test drive a car, check that the owner has the vehicle covered by insurance.
If the owner won’t let you test drive the car, ask them to drive you – a test drive is the best way to highlight any inherent mechanical problems.
Always try to organise a time during daylight hours to inspect a vehicle, and preferably when it’s not raining, as this allows you to see the vehicle clearly.
When inspecting a vehicle, check the ground for oil and other leaks. It may not be a problem now, but could cost you dearly at some stage in the future.
Let UFS do a vehicle encumbrance search to ensure the vehicle is not owned by a bank or finance company.
Most vehicles are sold very quickly once advertised, so if you’ve found one you like you should leave a deposit – $50 to $100 is often all that’s necessary.
In the emotion of updating your car, you may convince yourself to pay more than you should! Ask UFS to check that the vehicle you’re about to purchase is appropriately priced.
Except for auctions, most cars are advertised at prices well above their true value so don’t be afraid to bargain – you may save thousands.
If you’re financing your car, be sure to ask UFS about including insurance in your contract. Not only will you be covered from the time you drive your car away, but it will most likely save you time and money.
Final checks
When you pick up your vehicle, allow yourself plenty of time to go over the car to ensure there has been no change since you last saw it. For instance, check that the radio or tyres haven’t been replaced by inferior ones.
Once you’ve bought your vehicle, don’t forget to transfer your registration. That way, there can be no disputes over parking fines or speed camera tickets.
We can help!
Buying a car isn’t always easy but it’s what we at UFS are all about. Is there any way we can help you buy your dream car? We’d love to help!